Assalamu'alaikum :) hey bloggers! we are CEVIS. what is CEVIS? follow this blog if you want to know :D We are the fourth group of TIK project, and we're student of Senior High School umber 2 Prabumulih. Here, we will present you about anything, but especially about the material of TIK lesson. We're hope you will find anything you want in this blog, amin. Nice to meet you all ^^

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Cindy, Elly, Vidia, Iryani, Sherlly

Selasa, 12 Juni 2012


Akhirnya tugas ini selesai bloggers, akhirnya gaada lagi kata begadang tengah malem untuk ngedapetin nilai yang memuaskan.
Alhamdulillah cukup memuaskan. Tapi tetp sebagai fitra seorang manusia biasa, rasa kecewa atas segala hal itu pasti melekat :)
Semoga Allah ngebuka pintu maafnya buat kamu ya "colorless girl" =)

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